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Global Crusade Against Drug Epidemic: Drug-Free World Collaborates with Law Enforcement Agencies Across the Americas
Drug-Free World collaborates with law enforcement agencies across the Americas to combat drug abuse. With The Truth About Drugs program implemented in schools and communities, high praise and recognition has been received law enforcement, military and the UN.

United Against Drug Abuse: UN Global Drug-Free World Conference Promotes Education and Prevention Initiatives
Leaders from around the world gather to address the global drug epidemic and promote fact-based education and evidence-based prevention initiatives.

Uniting for a Drug-Free World: 3rd Annual Convention at the UN
Join the Foundation for a Drug-Free World at the UN to learn about drug abuse's impact and how to promote a drug-free lifestyle. Collaborate for a safer world.

A Message of Hope
Drug-Free World Colombia carried its message and The Truth About Drugs booklets to military units across the nation. The audience—those who are on the front lines in Colombia’s war on drugs—listened with rapt attention.
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